The Importance of Green Space in Architecture / by Guest User

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What is a Green Space? 

A green space consists of land that contains grass, trees, shrubs, or a variety of other vegetation. Larger green spaces can be found in the form of playgrounds, public plazas, vacant lots, or schoolyards. However, green spaces have found their way into smaller architecture friendly areas such as retail facilities, offices, and healthcare facilities due to the growing need for more greenery. Green spaces are integral to a well rounded design and to our mental health. 

Why Green Space is Vital for Us

Green spaces provide a sense of balance architecturally and psychologically. However, it can often be a challenge to incorporate green space into a design when the focus is geared towards the building itself rather than the greenery that surrounds it. It turns out that the benefits of greenery are an element one shouldn’t disregard. Research attributed to Rachel Kaplan, PhD and her husband, Stephen Kaplan, PhD explores the restoration that can take place in the mind due to a greener environment. The presence of greenery alleviates the mental fatigue we can experience when our focus is directed to a task for too long. This experience frequently occurs in office spaces where workers find themselves glued to computer screens or paper work. Having that green space to occasionally glance at can help boost one’s workflow and productivity. Even the most isolated pocket of green space has real benefits for the mind. Increased social interaction and stress relief represent just a few of the real benefits that green spaces can provide. 

Applying green space thinking to architectural design can be as easy as allowing for windows that overlook native greenery or carving out space for vegetation to be grown. Are green spaces important to your next design? We have enjoyed intertwining nature within our designs. For example, at Egrets Landing we featured walls of windows looking out over a pond behind the building. As well as at our Detering Treehouse project, we incorporated a rooftop terrace that looks out over the beautiful tree next to the building. Another great use of outdoor space is the putting green behind the office at Signorelli Headquarters! Stay tuned to see details of Signorelli in our upcoming Client Testimonial video. 

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